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D&E Global Associates Limited

D&E GLOBAL ASSOCIATES LTD a Consulting/Contracting Company incorporated in Nigeria. It provides Environmental, safety, Procurement, Agro Allied, Construction services to the Oil &Gas industries and the non-oil sectors. The company has team of experienced consultants, scientists and technicians, who are professionals in their respective areas of specialization. Furthermore, D&E Global Associates Ltd is in partnership with other companies that are well positioned to assist our clients achieve their goals. We are committed to offering quality products and services. This has remained the motivation of the company, and has enabled it to significantly contribute to the growth of others through careful execution of projects undertaken. We desire and strive towards mutual understanding, teamwork and lasting relationships with our clients. We hope you will give us an opportunity to serve you.

Our Corporate Safety Policy Statement

Health of Staffs

The importance of the health and safety of Personnel involved in our operations is our most valued “asset”, hence our policy to safeguard all persons connected with our operations. We believe that “SAFETY WORK PRACTICE IS THE BEST WAY” and that safety is every one’s responsibility. We believe that job instructions are incomplete if they are not actually safety based. Undertake frequent inspections of work sites; make findings and recommendations that would always ensure adequate safe working environment for our personnel.

Competent Staffs

The need for the preservation of our work environments, and property in order to actualize the above policy statement, D& E GLOBAL ASSOCIATES LTD. will do everything at all times to; ensure that all persons engaged in her activities are medically fit, trained and competent in their responsibilities. Also ensure that safety is taken into account from the design stage of any project to its completion

Training Staffs

D&E GLOBAL Associates support all programs that will improve the growth of our staff. Ensures that all persons engaged in her activities undertake regular training.

Our Vision 

- To maintain a sustainable environment through dedication to excellence, value and quality services.
- Continuous improvement through training, information, technology, and experience for the benefit of our clients, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment.
- To have an organizational structure and auspicious working environment with well trained personnel of integrity whose concerted efforts would be geared towards effective performance.  

Our Mission

- To provide services and procure products of standard quality and value that best meet the needs and demands of all our clients. Provision of “state of the art” facilities/equipment and a working environment conducive for effective performance.
- To ensure and enforce strict compliance to standards, laws and legislations.  


Drainage Construction Work


Land Scaping Work


Road Construction Work



Mfon Akpanudoh

  • Principal Manager


Chimeze Enyioko
  • Technical Consultant


Engr. Aneifiok Usana 
  • Project Manager Consultant


Maria  Anthony (Mrs.)
  • Consultant Administration


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